Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week 10

Week #10

     I really enjoyed getting so much time in class to prepare for our thematic units. It was helpful to get to brainstorm ideas for our lessons as well as decide who was doing what. I look forward to seeing everyone's wikispace pages because they will all be very unique. I think it would be awesome to do a project like this with middle school students. They usually love working with technology and this gives them a way to use it creatively. I think it is a cool idea to have pages on the website that they are required to complete and then think of a few others that would be more fun. Also allowing the students to think of ways they want to creatively show their knowledge is a smart idea. If the teacher gives the students choice they will be more likely to want to do the project and hopefully be more excited about it. I think my favorite part of our assignment for wikispaces is doing the Found poetry. It allows students to be as creative as they want. Also anyone can do it because you could simply keep words that have meaning to the story and they don't have to make sentences it could just be key words. I think for students who are scared of poetry and think they cannot write it, this is a perfect first step to writing poetry. Then for those students who do enjoy it, they can be more creative and make the poem into meaningful sentences or into a picture that is significant with the book.

     I do not feel as overwhelmed by our thematic unit as I at first thought I would be. It seems like a manageable amount of work for how much time we have left in the semester. I think since we have all been in block already creating ten lessons plans overall does not seem as big of a task. I think it will be fun to think of lessons to go along with my book I chose.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 9

Week #9

     I enjoyed getting to hear the last two presentations about math and science. I think the math one was helpful because when teaching students about word problems many students struggle trying to find what is important and what is not. I would definitely use this strategy even in younger grades because even though these problems will be simpler some students struggle with word problems even from the beginning. I would also use the graphic organizer for science classes because it is a lot easier to fill out than simply writing notes. I remember in middle school just having to copy down notes as the teacher wrote them on the board. Then I would memorize them for our tests. I think it would have been much easier to remember things if they were organized into sections of a graphic organizer where I could see the important details.

     I enjoyed having to make movie trailers in class for our book too. I think it is a fun way to learn to be persuasive about getting others to read your book. It teaches kids to highlight the main points of the book without giving away the ending but to also speak in a persuasive manner. I think kids would benefit from making a story board before so that they could plan out the scenes instead of doing them right away. It could also teach them how to film different shots and to learn more about filming in general. I think it would be a fun way to incorporate learning about filming and another form of technology.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week 8

Week #8

     I thought it was a cool idea to go through all the different subject areas and do different reading strategies. It made class fun to get to do a bunch of mini lessons. I really enjoyed doing the art piece and then talking about the different characteristics of art through that. I could see this being used in a Language Arts class where you want to talk about mood. Or any other class that has incorporated a novel or reading to it. The students could discuss or even color/draw what they feel from a passage being read aloud of the book they are reading. Then they could describe their art and see what mood the passage is portraying. It could also help with writing because they could explore which words or phrases elicited these feelings. After they could make sure to use more of these words in their writings to elicit feelings and develop mood in their papers too.

     For the Social Studies presentation I thought it would be cool to even use this in a science class. I think often times the media, scientists, and other groups will present different ideas about a topic. For upper middle school it would be useful to use the four perspectives to analyze all the views of what really is going on. It also helps them to develop the ability to critically analyze the media they receive on a daily basis.

     For the Language Arts presentation it could also work for a science or Social Studies class where there is something that is a controversial topic and the students need to debate a side of it. I think it would be useful to even use the four perspectives strategy first so they are all aware of all the sides. Then the teacher could give them the opinion and evidence sheet to help them focus on one side o the argument.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week 7

Week #7

     The first activity we did was a one minute book report where each group went around and gave a summary of the book in one minute. They had to talk for the entire minute and try to make it so others would be interested in reading the book. I think this activity would be good in any subject because it requires students to summarize what they have read, watched, or talked about. It also has students practice persuasive speech if they are trying to convince others to read their book. At the end we could ask questions to any of the groups which allows the other students to gain more information if they want it. Overall I would use this activity for any group work because I feel it is a quick way to see what the students have understood.
     I enjoyed having roles for literature circles too because it gave us a purpose for reading the book. It also gave us structure during our time in the lit circles instead of simply having students talk about a book. I liked having students do vocab, art, and connecting because they give students a deeper understanding of the book. I think it is cool to see what students have connected with for a book because most likely they will always be different because each student has different experiences.
     I really liked the energizer activity where we had half the class be famous people and then the other half be reporters. I could see this activity being used in a history class where the students could act as a historical figure they have been studying. Then the other students would have to guess who they were. This would test their knowledge of the person since they would have to act like them and know enough about them to successfully portray them. The reporters would also have to know about all the historical figures since they would have to guess them.
     I am curious to see the content area literacy presentations because I think they will be helpful to learn many new strategies. I know as an ESL minor that we focus a lot on how to bring literacy skills into the other content areas so I think it will be fun to learn more I can use. For EL we talk about how teachers should have language objectives and it would be cool if teachers also had reading strategy objectives for their lessons when they include them. This way the teacher could more easily assess how the student was doing with the new strategy they have been working on.